Artist's Statement
rtist's Statement
Susun B Cooper
Susun B Cooper
Words and images...images and words. As early as I can remember, I've been fascinated with words and images. As soon as I learned to read I wanted a typewriter so I could make my own words. My first camera at ten, Girl Scout photography badge at eleven, a young girl handcoloring black and white photographs at I look back, I realize expressions of creativity began very early. The work I do now is an absorbing, intriguing, invigorating mix of these intense interests I've pursued all my life.
Through my studio window comes the snow-capped north face of Mt. Shasta. This place inspires me so, it's difficult to write all I feel. Then, I'm back to images...pointing my camera at the mountain, capturing another of the moods she offers. I aspire to living a peaceful life and believe it begins with me. Expressing creativity, I experience my most personally satisfying, magical moments. Placing into form what flows through me truly sparks peace within. I hope this sense of inner peace helps nurture a larger picture of peace on our planet.

My creative journey includes studies in art, design and photography. It has involved countless hours in a traditional darkroom and computer graphics labs. I discovered digital photography at its beginning; it brought me full circle...words and images creatively expressed through today's technologies. Designing and building websites, photographing and writing, restoring heirloom photographs...all, working with words and images. I am challenged by my work as I focus on ways to share perceptions of beauty and depths of feeling.
peace. . .
it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work...
it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.     ...unknown
Photo taken by my father
All site photos and information Copyright ©  2005-13 by Susun B Cooper.
All rights reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form without written consent. Site maintained by Rocky Ridge Specialties.
~photo restoration~handcoloring~